Connect ? No Zoom service ! Ter emails her class tasks. Ter types, Jim helps, sends to teacher ! All done ?
by Terrie Hanrahan
I orchestrated challenges by knowing talents, believing in people and securing their commitment. By example I lead. Facing difficult situations I adapt, take small steps, be positive and hope.
Reading, writing and small motor are my challenges. I hate blame! I disobey silly rules. Trust and humor are my vocabulary! I’m Terrie, Mom, Gram!
Dialogue Jim. “Did you gain weight?” Ter. “What does it look like?” Jim “ Well I can’t tell exactly because your clothes are so loose.” Ter “ That’s very true. My clothes are loose because I’m in a lot of pain and I don’t feel like eating!” Jim “What? The doctors won’t help you?” Ter. “Well they gave me narcotics which are not helping and they won’t increase the dose. That’s downright cruel! I’m so frustrated that I’m going to sue those doctors! Jim. “I’m not so sure that’s a wise idea.It will take time plus you have to prove they mismanaged the situation and made a mistake. Ter. “Enough! I know a friend of a friend who can get me stronger drugs on the street! Jim. “You’re crazy? DLove Poem And I Have You Rain has drops Sun has shine Moon has beams That make you mine Rivers have banks Sands have shores Hearts have heartbeats That makes me yours Needles have eyes Though pins may prick Elmer has glue To make things stick Winter has Spring Stockings feet Pepper has mint To make it sweet Teachers have lessons Soup du jour Lawyers sue bad folks Doctors cure All and all This much is true You have me And I have you By Nikki GiovanniMy comments about “And I Have You” Simple Pure True! We hug morning and evening. Glad to be together! To me the poem says… “ Be yourself, be you!” I am loved for being me. You are loved for being you. Be free to be you. Be free to be me. Each stanza builds; starting with what flows, to what surrounds, to what works, to who does…to create a nurtured relationship that grows! Thus it’s us… “This much is true You have me And I have you!” on’t do that! Ter. “I know you’re trying to help but we’re done here!!!